Aaron received a pair of UGGS from Theatreworks at his costume fitting, like all of the cows, but his UGGS were a little different. They were slightly oversized, and a bit crumpled around the edges. All of this was fine, as it fit his character choices well, giving him a little shuffle and adding to the general look of sweetness about Loretta. However, over time, the crumple began to worsen, the define began to split and the boots wound up like this:
Aaron and Alaina had spent weeks going shoe shopping for UGGS in every town we visited. There had been trips to Macy’s, Target and the all-mighty Payless. However, UGGS are out of season, and finding them in men’s sizes proved a challenged. So, with another show waiting after the boots met their demise, the adventurous pair headed to Payless, armed with the Theatreworks debit card and a need for black shoes. And here’s what they found:
We’ve dubbed this look “grandpa Loretta.” And, while it was a charming look, it was just about all any of us could do to keep it together onstage. So, Theatreworks got a call, they dispatched one of their buyers, Alaina made a trip to Chelsea Studios and, at our next show in New Hampshire, Loretta was returned to her full glory:
And the old boots got the heave-ho!
Call tomorrow: 7:05am, the Port Inn in Portsmouth, NH. What a lovely town!
Kid Quote of the Day: This one came from Alaina: Apparently, after Jenny stormed into the house and returned immediately with her suitcase, a little boy in the back just couldn’t deal with it. “Teacher, how did she pack so fast? I just don’t understand it! How did she do it?”
Colleen Tractor Quote of the Day: “Ethan Marc Angelica, we are in Jersey, there is flooding and your tractor is not insured!! Put it away!”
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